Wood material can be demolished over time due to different environmental factors. Structural elements may need to be strengthened over time as a result of possible natural disasters or during use. Beams are elements under load in the direction perpendicular to their axes. Therefore, they are basically under the effect of bending. When the studies... More
The superplasticity of Ti-46.7Al-2.2Cr(at.%) alloy was studied by mathematical induction. It is found that Zener Hollomon relative formula and there are serious deflections. According to the true superplastic stress and true strain curves, the deflection values of n=-7.46 and B=1439MPa are obtained, indicating that the limit of n>0 has been exceeded, which needs to be characterized by a... More
As a commonly used chemical agent, surfactant is used to improve the efficiency of oil-and-gas exploitation. Since the conventional surfactant technology fails to meet the requirements of oil-and-gas resources exploitation currently, this paper deeply researches on the studies of cutting-edge technology of oil-and-gas exploitation, and learns the advanced experience from foreign countries. It aims to... More