View Vol. 5 ,  Iss. 2 (December 2023)

Organic Polymer Material Research

ISSN: 2661-3875 (Online)

Vol. 5 , Iss. 2 (December 2023)

  • Review (This article belongs to the Special Issue "Semiconducting Polymers for Electronic Applications")

    Cyclopentadithiophene-based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Thermoelectric Devices and Other Applications

    SeungOk Pyo, Yehbeen Im, Hyeokjun Kim

    Article ID: 6069    DOI:
    303  (Abstract) 222  (Download)


    The 4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b’]dithiophene (CPDT)-based conjugated polymers (CPs) have garnered significant attention in various fields of organic electronics due to their strong electron-donating properties, extended π-plane, and rigid, planar chemical structure. These unique features enable CPDT-based CPs to be highly advantageous for use in a range of organic semiconductor devices. While CPDT-based CPs have been extensively investigated... More

  • Article (This article belongs to the Special Issue "Semiconducting Polymers for Electronic Applications")

    The Synthesis and Characterization of Benzobisoxazole-based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Photodetectors

    Myeong In Kim, WonJo Jeong

    Article ID: 6192    DOI:
    201  (Abstract) 129  (Download)


    Benzo[1,2-d:4,5-d’]bis(oxazole) (BBO) is a conjugated building block that can be easily synthesized for the development of organic optoelectronic polymers. Here, the authors synthesized BBO-based polymers, P1 and P2, by coupling BBO with thiophenes for use in organic photodetectors (OPDs). The optical characteristics of P1 and P2 make them suitable for OPDs, as they selectively absorb... More