Impact of Mixed Fillers on the Physico-mechanical Properties of Flexible Polyether Foam
The effect of proportional blend of periwinkle and African star apple seed shell as bio-fillers in flexible polyether foam was studied. Flexible polyether foam samples incorporated with these bio-fillers at varying percentages; 10% (S1), 20% (S2), 30% (S3), 40% (S4) and 50% (S5) were produced respectively, while 0% (S0) which had no filler was used as control during the experiment. The mechanical properties of the produced foam samples were determined via density, compression set, indentation hardness, tensile strength and elongation at break tests. The cream time, rise time and height of the foam as parameters for characterising the produced foam samples were determined too. Flammability test was also carried out.The microstructure of the foam samples was analysed as well by using the scanning electron microscope. The results of the experiment showed that the density of the foam samples progressively increased from 19.20 (S0) – 26.45 (S5) as the quantity of the filler increased. The indentation hardness result also showed an increase on addition of the filler. The foam’s loading ability also increased on incorporation of the filler but S3 showed remarkable recovery after compression. The tensile strength and elongation at break of the foam decreased on addition of the filler. The morphological analysis ascertained the effect of the progressive introduction of the filler on the surface morphology of the foam. The flammability of the foam was found to decrease as the filler load increased. Since these fillers are of organic origin, readily available, cheap and eco-friendly, they provide a means of making biodegradable foam, and reducing the flammability of foam. Thus, reducing environmental pollution whilst enhancing the mechanical property of foam.Keywords:
Polyether foam; Periwinkle; African star apple seed shell; Mechanical properties; Scanning electron microscopyReferences
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