Chitosan-based Nanosystems as Drug Carriers
The formation and application of polymeric nanomaterials is great demandin science, industry, biotechnology, and medicine due to the possibility ofachieving a significant improvement in the physicochemical, mechanical,and barrier properties of polymers and using them as drug carriers andfillers, which is especially promising for biodegradable polymers such aschitosan and their derivatives. The article presents methods for creatingpolymer nanostructures based on polysaccharides and, in particular,chitosan. Obtaining nanostructured samples of chitosan using theapproaches of chemical transformation and modification of polysaccharidesis an urgent scientific problem, the solution of which makes it possible toobtain new polymer systems of great practical interest. The medical aspectsof the use of polymer carriers based on chitosan for the treatment of variousdiseases are discussed. The unique specificity of the properties of chitosanand nanomaterials derived from it, with the properties inherent in thisnatural polymer, can serve as a promising future, especially in the field ofmedicine.Keywords:
Chitosan; Nanochitosan; Modification; Nanoparticle synthesis; Chemical structure; Ionotropic gelation; Covalent crosslinkingReferences
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