Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1294
Intelligent robust control of redundant smart robotic arm Pt I: Soft computing KB optimizer - deep machine learning IT
Redundant robotic arm models as a control object discussed. Background of computational intelligence IT based on soft computing optimizer of knowledge base in smart robotic manipulators introduced. Soft computing optimizer is the toolkit of deep machine learning SW platform with optimal fuzzy neural network structure. The methods for development and design technology of intelligent control systems based on the soft computing optimizer presented in this Part 1 allow one to implement the principle of design an optimal intelligent control systems with a maximum reliability and controllability level of a complex control object under conditions of uncertainty in the source data, and in the presence of stochastic noises of various physical and statistical characters. The knowledge bases formed with the application of a soft computing optimizer produce robust control laws for the schedule of time dependent coefficient gains of conventional PID controllers for a wide range of external perturbations and are maximally insensitive to random variations of the structure of control object. The robustness of control laws is achieved by application a vector fitness function for genetic algorithm, whose one component describes the physical principle of minimum production of generalized entropy both in the control object and the control system, and the other components describe conventional control objective functionals such as minimum control error, etc. The application of soft computing technologies (Part I) for the development a robust intelligent control system that solving the problem of precision positioning redundant (3DOF and 7 DOF) manipulators considered. Application of quantum soft computing in robust intelligent control of smart manipulators in Part II described.
intelligent control system; knowledge base; soft computing technology; decomposition; robotic manipulatorReferences
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