Investigation of Geology and Hydro-geophysical Features Using Electromagnetic and Vertical Sounding Methods for Abu Zabad Area, Western Kordofan State, Sudan
The geology and hydro-geophysical features can aid in identifying borehole location. The study aims to investigate groundwater aquifers and best location of boreholes in the crystalline basement area of Abu Zabad near El Obeid Southwest, Sudan. The study area is underlain by two aquifers formations from Precambrian age. The oldest units of basement complex of area under investigation consist of metamorphic rocks including gneiss, schist, and quartzite.
The geophysical methods electromagnetic (EM) and vertical electrical sounding (VES) surveys showed that best aquifers yield for construction of boreholes are in weathering and fractures formation. The EM results revealed that structural features are significant for groundwater potential and interpretation of the VES data also revealed four geo-electric layers, but generally two distinct lithologic layers, which include Superficial deposit and bedrock-basement respectively. The curves generated from the data revealed H curve and HK curve, and thickness of these layers varies from 15 m to 50 m in the area. The aquifer thickness range from 20 m to 30 m. The study concludes that these techniques are suitable for identifying borehole location in the basement rock in Abu Zabad Area Sudan.Keywords:
electromagnetic and geoelectric survey; aquifer units and groundwater potentialReferences
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