The climate change due to mingled effect of rising [CO2] level and temperature will influence crop production by affecting various components of the production system. In the present study, Open Top Chamber (OTC) facility has been used to realize the consequence of rising [CO2] with nutrient management on rice crop. The experiment was organized in... More
Alpine meadow system underlain by permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau contains vast soil organic carbon and is sensitive to global warming. However, the dynamics of annual soil respiration (Rs) under long-term warming and the determined factors are still not very clear. Using opentop chambers (OTC), we assessed the effects of two-year experimental warming on the... More
Combined methods for mineralogical identifications were used to characterise the clay deposits within the Lower Benue Trough of Nigeria to interpret paleo-environmental conditions, the paleoclimatic significance of the trough, and effects of weathering on the minerals as factors that favour its deposition/accumulation within the trough which host other important industrial minerals like coal, barite, limestone... More
Environmental protection is a crucial issue for environmentalists and researchers. Almost every stakeholder in the industrial production process of a product is concerned about the detrimental effects on the environment due to emissions. Though environmental regulations are in place, some firms across diverse industrial sectors are considered as the environmental vanguard, i.e., leaders in environmental... More
Knowledge of the present-day in-situ stress distribution is greatly important for better understanding of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in many aspects, e.g., reservoir management, wellbore stability assessment, etc. In tectonically stable regions, the present-day in-situ stress field in terms of stress distribution is largely controlled by lithological changes, which can be predicted through a... More