The regularities of the dynamics of the average annual temperature of Irkutsk from 1820 to 2019 were revealed. It is proposed to use the sum of temperatures. However, this indicator requires the continuity of the dynamic series, so for Irkutsk the sum of temperatures could be accepted only from 1873. The first three terms of... More
There are rich oil and gas resources in Alberta oil sand mining area in Canada. In the 1960s, the Canadian government decided to increase the mining intensity. However, the exploitation will bring many adverse effects. In recent years, more people pay attention to the environmental protection and ecological restoration of mining areas, such as issues... More
The Agadez city is built on the faulted and fractured sandstone formation of the “Agadez Sandstones”, which was deposited in unconformity on the Precambrian basement of the Aïr Mountain. The present study focuses on the geotechnical risk assessment and geological origin of building fracturation in Agadez city. A methodological approach integrating measurement of fractures planes... More
In response to the water shortage in Wanzhou North Station (WNS), the authors investigated the stormwater quality characteristics with different underlying surfaces of WNS and carried out stormwater reuse analysis in conjunction with the InfoWorks ICM model. The results show that during heavy, torrential, and moderate rainfall, the road stormwater runoff has the highest concentrations... More
Climate change is the most important factor to increase in short-duration high-intensity rainfall and consequent flooding. Intensity-Duration Frequency (IDF) curves are commonly used tools in Stormwater design, so a method to derive future IDF curves including climate change effects could be necessary for mainstreaming climate change information into storm water planning. The objective of the... More