The basement aquifers in Burkina Faso are increasingly exposed to groundwater pollution, largely due to socio-economic activities and climatic fluctuations, particularly the reduction in rainfall. This pollution makes the management and understanding of these aquifers particularly complex. To elucidate the processes controlling this contamination, a methodological approach combining principal component analysis (PCA) and multivariate statistical techniques... More
Monitoring of the earth's surface has been significantly improved thanks to optical remote sensing by satellites such as SPOT, Landsat and Sentinel-2, which produce vast datasets. The processing of this data, often referred to as Big Data, is essential for decision-making, requiring the application of advanced algorithms to analyze changes in land cover. In the... More
Under the “dual carbon” goal, local governments in China have strategically focused on enhancing capital utilization efficiency and enforcing environmental regulations to improve carbon emission performance. This dual approach targets the intertwined challenges of economic development and environmental protection. Utilizing data from 266 prefecture-level cities in China from 2007 to 2019, this study systematically investigates... More
The continuous innovation and widespread application of digital technology have expedited the transformation of productivity and presented an opportunity to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Digital new quality productivity, characterized by the integration of advanced technologies, innovative business models, a new economic framework, and ongoing innovation, stands as a superior production factor. It plays... More
A crucial impact of climate change is the disruption of the agricultural sector, posing a threat to food supply for the globally increasing population. In this context, prioritizing food security in each country becomes an important concern. This study aimed to explore biomass and C-Stock content of Sago forests for handling climate change and resilience.... More
In a context where urban satellite image processing technologies are undergoing rapid evolution, this article presents an innovative and rigorous approach to satellite image classification applied to urban planning. This research proposes an integrated methodological framework, based on the principles of model-driven engineering (MDE), to transform a generic meta-model into a meta-model specifically dedicated to... More
In recent years, smart materials have emerged as a groundbreaking innovation in the field of water filtration, offering sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly solutions to address the growing global water crisis. This review explores the latest advancements in the application of smart materials—including biomaterials, nanocomposites, and stimuli-responsive polymers—specifically for water treatment. It examines their effectiveness... More
This experiment evaluated the effects of the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae, Azotobacter chroococcum bacteria, and Biochar on the characteristics of the root system, and yield of the cucumber plant, Cucumis sativus L.; for this purpose, experiment designed: the first factor is a combination of Mycorrhizae (M) at 35 g plant–1, Azotobacter (A) 15 ml plant–1 with a microbial density... More
Cyanobacterial blooms or algae problems in aquaculture fish–ponds are becoming a big concern to fish farmers due to reduced production of fish. Although several studies have been conducted around the globe focusing on cyanobacterial blooms in oceans and lakes, little has been done on inhibition of algal biomass impacting fish–ponds in aquaculture industry. The present study... More
In recent years, the water level in the Mekong Delta (MD) has undergone changes, attributed to the impacts of anthropogenic activities and climate change. Declining water levels have had implications for various aspects of life and aquatic ecosystems in the lower basin water bodies. Analyzing long-term trends in rainfall and water levels is crucial for... More
Based on the Google Earth Engine cloud computing data platform, this study employed three algorithms including Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Classification and Regression Tree to classify the current status of land covers in Hung Yen province of Vietnam using Landsat 8 OLI satellite images, a free data source with reasonable spatial and temporal resolution. The results of the study show that all three... More
This study investigates the adoption of carbon footprint tracking apps (CFAs) among Thai millennials, a critical element in addressing climate change. CFAs have yet to gain significant traction among users despite offering personalized missions. Employing an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework, we examine factors influencing CFA adoption intentions based on a sample of 30... More
Bentonite is a very useful material for improving soil properties, which enhances the ability of plants to grow and produce in different conditions. The experiment was carried out in an agricultural nursery in one of the areas of the City of Diwaniyah, in a house covered with green netting, with a shade rate of 25%,... More
In many developing countries with poorly managed landscapes, soil erosion threatens the sustainability of water bodies. The main limitations of this study are the lack of daily sediment data, lithology, higher-resolution DEM data, and socioeconomic factors. Poor land use policy and resource management in the Upper Awash Sub-basin lead to soil erosion and sedimentation of hydrological... More
Land use change ranks as the second most significant human-made factor affecting climate, following greenhouse gas emissions. Patna is rapidly expanding cities in Bihar state. Urbanization caused substantial alterations in land use patterns in Patna, driven by its rapid urban growth and increasing population. Urbanization and population growth caused a rapid increase in built structures... More
A laboratory experiment was conducted to demonstrate the importance of improving the efficiency of six isolates of Aspergillus niger fungi. Four isolates were exposed to UV-rays radiation at a distance of 30 cm, a wavelength of 254–255 nm during M15, M30, and M45 minutes. Exposure periods, both of wild (no UV-rays exposure) and no A.niger (C) as controls, all six isolates were identified molecularly by polymerase chain... More
This study investigates carbon dioxide (CO₂) sequestration and biomass distribution across various plant components and land use types in Ban Krang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province, with the goal of enhancing carbon management strategies. Field surveys were conducted using 14 plots of 40x40 meters to quantify biomass and estimate CO₂ sequestration across different vegetation types.... More
Information about the average water consumption or evapotranspiration of crops is the basis for scheduling irrigation and the water requirements of plants, and choosing the appropriate crops for the region in light. This experiment was carried out to evaluate and calculate the ability of the CropWat program to estimate evapotranspiration rates, and plant consumptive water use... More
Climate change has well-documented psychological consequences for society. However, the emotional experiences of frontline conservation professionals remain underexplored. As key knowledge producers and participants in decision-making processes, conservation researchers play a crucial role in shaping and implementing adaptation and mitigation efforts, which are pivotal for effective climate planning. Understanding their emotional responses is essential for... More
Power consumption increases annually, wherefore the air emissions during its production occasionally increase. One of the most promising trends of environmentally safe generation of electricity is the transition to oxygen-fuel power complexes operating on a carbon dioxide working medium, with a share of its capture up to 99%. It is worth noting that the breadth... More
This paper reports on the composition of fungal communities occurring on diseased tissues of Catharanthus roseus, which differed between organs. In total, ten different filamentous fungi were isolated, and the percentage of isolation varied significantly among the organs. Botrytis cinerea was the most prevalent fungus found on the plant's aboveground parts, with a frequency exceeding... More
Till date, no study on trends in extreme sea surface temperature (SST) for different return periods has been done over the Gulf of Tonkin (GoT). Based on a 84-year (1940-2023) ERA5 Reanalysis data sets, this study for the first time, examined the spatio-temporal pattern in extreme SST for different return periods. Findings showed that more... More
This study investigates the potential of Prosopis cineraria Leaves Powder (PCLP) as a biosorbent for removing lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) from aqueous solutions, optimizing the process using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Prosopis cineraria, commonly known as Khejri, is a drought-resistant tree with significant promise in environmental applications. The research employed a Central Composite Design... More
The productive evaluation of cocoa in this research is proposed through an assessment of soil quality and crop health in an organic production system (SPO) Taisha canton and a conventional production system (SPCv) Morona canton. Methodology: Altieri and Nicholls establish a diagnosis of chemical, physical, biological and health indicators, with weightings high (10), medium (5)... More
Solar radiation data forecasting algorithms are important, especially in developing countries, as vast solar power plants cannot measure reliable and constant solar irradiance. The challenges of solar irradiance prediction may be resolved by machine learning using weather datasets. This study emphasises the daily and monthly global solar radiation data predictions of three locations, Pretoria, Bloemfontein,... More
Addressing these water management challenges requires a comprehensive and integrated approach. Floods and other water-related challenges in urban areas can have an impact on land values. However, the lack of studies has developed a comprehensive index methodology related to examining floods and land value relationships for urban areas. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is... More
This study investigates the impact of carbon tax policies on carbon emission reductions in G20 countries to support the achievement of the Net Zero Emissions target by 2060. As the G20 collectively accounts for a significant share of global greenhouse gas emissions, effective policy interventions in these nations are pivotal to addressing the climate crisis.... More
Floods are among the most severe and frequent natural disasters, impacting numerous countries worldwide. This study investigates flood mapping methodologies utilizing Google Earth Engine (GEE) with Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat data, focusing on the January 2021 Tetouan flood in Morocco. Three approaches were assessed: Sentinel-1 thresholding and NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) methods applied to... More
The Russian energy sector remains heavily reliant on thermal power plants, with gas generation accounting for approximately 66% of the installed capacity. However, the industry faces challenges such as depletion of reserves, rising prices for hydrocarbons, and increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This study focuses on developing new scientific and technical solutions... More
This study presents a holistic framework for sustainable urban design, using the proposed redevelopment design of Berlin's Tegel Airport as a case study. The research addresses the need for comprehensive, real-world applications of sustainable urban design principles in the context of climate change and urban challenges. The proposed framework integrates multiple sustainability elements, including adaptive... More
The Hengduan Mountains, situated on the southeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, are the longest and widest north-south-oriented mountain range in China, exerting a significant influence on the ecological and geographical pattern. Understanding the topographic and geomorphological characteristics of the Hengduan Mountains is fundamental and crucial for research in related fields such as ecology, geography, and... More
The increase in the population as a whole gradually requires solving the issues of continuous development of the agro-industrial complex in all directions and components. This development is accompanied by an increase in energy consumption, in the total balance of which electricity occupies a significant share. The purpose of this study is to develop a... More
A drought is when reduced rainfall leads to a water crisis, impacting daily life. Over recent decades, droughts have affected various regions, including South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study aims to map the probability of meteorological drought months using the 1-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in South Sulawesi. Based on SPI, meteorological drought characteristics are inversely proportional... More
The study aims to identify and analyze the perceptions and expectations of tourists regarding tourism development in the Sharr Mountains Region. In the Sharr Mountains Region, sustainable tourism is another opportunity for economic growth, cultural integrity, and environmental conservation. Public investments are vital in enhancing this investment as they help to develop infrastructure, promote businesses, and even promote environment-friendly activities. The... More
Urbanization and environmental degradation have led to significant declines in water quality and aquatic ecosystem health, highlighting the urgent need for effective restoration efforts. This study applies an integrated analysis approach to estimate the economic value and benefits of improvements in water quality and aquatic ecosystem services resulting from the Ecological Stream Restoration Project. Using... More
The worsening of global warming due to burning fossil fuels and the global energy crisis have led to an urgent need for renewable and clean energy sources that have little impact on the environment. One of the most important and largest alternative energy sources is marine waves, which have enormous energy that can be utilized using... More
This study characterizes the instrumental record of California climate for the last 170 years. Our goal is to look for hydrologic variability at decadal and longer time scales that would be consistent with paleoclimate estimates of hydrologic variability in California for the last 3000 years. Our study focuses on meteorological summaries of annual precipitation and temperature.... More
This study addresses the pressing need to evaluate the quality of water resources in the Oued Guir watershed, highlighting the importance of monitoring both surface water and groundwater in the context of environmental and public health. It focuses on the evaluation of physicochemical and bacteriological water quality downstream of the Kaddoussa Dam, as well as... More
Mangrove forest is always considered an effective barrier to protect habitats from high waves, especially tsunami. Therefore, the estimation of wave energy dissipation is required for disater warning. The aim of this study is to calculate wave attenuation in mangrove areas by combining field survey method and mathematical modeling method. The application area is Cu... More
In recent years, the world has seen an exponential increase in energy demand, prompting scientists to look for innovative ways to exploit the power sun’s power. Solar energy technologies use the sun's energy and light to provide heating, lighting, hot water, electricity and even cooling for homes, businesses, and industries. Therefore, ground-level solar radiation data... More
This study examines the effects of germination substrates incorporating spent mushroom substrate (SMS) and locally sourced organic materials on the growth and vigor of cocoa seedlings. Seven treatments were evaluated using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), comprising combinations of coconut coir, rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, and biochar. Key findings reveal that treatments combining SMS, sugarcane bagasse,... More
Smart cities, a new kind of urbanization, offer a means of achieving the condition in which environmental conservation and economic growth are mutually beneficial. As a result, it is important to think about whether and how the development of smart cities might support the high-quality growth of urban economies. Based on the panel data of... More
Silver is an elegant white precious metal, but it is easily oxidized by O3, SO2, and H2S in the air, turning yellow or dark, which affects its decorative effect. The existing silver coating, primarily prepared through the electroplating process, poses serious environmental pollution problems. It is necessary to seek new, green, and environmentally friendly coating processes... More
Multifarious regions around the world are exposed to natural hazards and disasters, each with unique characteristics. A higher frequency of extreme hydro-meteorological events, most probably related to climate change, and an increase in vulnerable population have been addressed as potential causes of such disasters. To mitigate the consequences of these disasters, Disaster Risk Management, including... More
The paper is focused on the design of artificial sand beaches at sheltered and exposed sites. The methodology applied includes the study of the most essential design parameters and the application of numerical models to compute the beach erosion and maintenance. The computed erosion volume decreases for coarser sand (0.5 mm sand instead of 0.3... More
The net primary productivity of vegetation (NPP) is an important index to evaluate the carbon sequestration capacity of vegetation and land use change. Using MOD17N3HGF NPP data, climate data and night-time light data from 2000 to 2020, this study explored the relationship between NPP and urban expansion, land use and climate change in the Southern... More
An equation of state (EOS) was obtained that accurately describes the thermodynamics of the system H2O–CO2 at temperatures of 50-350°C and pressures of 0.2-3.5 kbar. The equation is based on experimental data on the compositions of the coexisting liquid and gas phases and the Van Laar model, within which the values of the Van Laar parameters... More
The fact that Morocco is an agricultural country and the large volume of biodegradable waste produced by the population make composting so important. The degradation of organic matter is facilitated by faunal and floral macro and micro-organisms that act in different stages of maturation; studies on this fauna are quite rare both nationally and internationally. On a... More
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of integrated nano-fertilizer spray and vermicompost in growth and quality of corn yield in calcareous soil at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Baghdad/ Iraq during the autumn season of 2022 using Split Split Plot Design in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Main plots... More
Polymeric materials, known for their lightweight and strength, are widely used today. However, their non-biodegradable nature poses significant environmental challenges. This research aimed to develop biodegradable films from fruits and vegetables, using alginate as a binding agent. Using a completely randomized design, seven experimental sets were prepared with carrots, Kimju guava, and Namwa banana peel... More
Tunisia’s coastal alluvial plains are fragile areas exposed to occasional disturbances (including storms, submersion, and floods) and serious imbalances, such as rising sea level, erosion, and salinisation of soils. Their sensitivity tends to increase under the impact of strong anthropogenic pressures: population growth, rapid urbanisation, and concentration of economic activities. With the acceleration of climate... More