An assessment of the protective capacity of the vadose zone overlying the aquifer systems in the Kaltungo area was carried out to determine its influence on groundwater quality. Applying the schlumberger array with a maximum electrode spread AB/2 = 100m through VES, thirty water well points were surveyed using Omega terrameter (PIOSO1) resistivity meter.... More
Over 40 billion tons of sand is mined worldwide every year which is estimated to be higher than the natural replacement rates. In Kenya, the rate of sand mining is raising concerns over its environmental effects since it is not regulated. This paper presents findings on the geomorphic effects of sand mining in the... More
In this paper we access the effects of two atmospheric variables (temperature and relative humidity) on two important pollutants in the atmosphere (Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO)) by using one year (2016) data of Addis Ababa. Temperature has impact on atmospheric mixing and cause for the reduction of NOx as temperature increases. There... More
Abstract: The pollution caused by disposable plastic products is becoming more and more serious, and “plastic limit” has become a global consensus. This article mainly discusses the pollution problem from the following aspects: Integrate all relevant important indicators to establish a multiple regression model of the maximum amount of disposable plastic waste to estimate the maximum... More
Abstract: In order to attain the water security goal, specifically in highly developing areas, delineation of pure and sustainable water resources is of utmost priority. In the present study, a preliminary investigation of the groundwater chemistry was carried out. This was followed by assessing the suitability of groundwater to be used as an alternative and reliable... More
Water resource is available in Nigeria to meet water demand for domestic, agricultural and industrial use. If well enhanced and protected from various source of pollution. However, less information is available on suitability of water resources for irrigation use in Nigeria. This article reviews literature of the past with regards to influence of geogenic and... More
The need for a net zero carbon emission future is imperative for environmental sustainability hence, intensive carbon fuels would need to be replaced with less carbon emitting energy sources such as natural gas till clean energy source such as hydrogen becomes commercialized. As a result, this mini review discusses the use of metal organic... More