Sustainability Evaluation of Mangrove Forest Management System of Tagbanua Tribe in Bgy. Manalo, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines
Community-based forest management agreement in the country is a needed instrument in attaining sustainability of mangrove management. Sadly, there is no assurance that the system implemented in the mangrove forest management is sustainable. So, evaluating the mangrove management sustainability of the local tribe is a viable avenue for the appropriate management. In this study, the sustainability of the mangrove management system of the Tagbanua tribe in Bgy. Manalo, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan was evaluated. The study utilized various criteria with relevant indicators of sustainable mangrove forest management in assessing the mangrove forest management system. Focused group discussions were conducted to identify the relevant sustainable mangrove forest management C & I and verifiers. Each indicator was rated using the formulated verifiers in the form of the rating scale. Through household interviews, FGD, KII, mangrove assessment, and secondary data analysis, this study also used a mathematical model on the Sustainability Index for Individual Criteria (SIIC) to evaluate the scores for individual criteria and the Overall Sustainability Index (OSI) of the community. As a result, there are a total of seven relevant criteria, and 35 relevant indicators for Mangrove Management in Barangay Manalo. Based on the individual rating of seven criteria, the overall rating of the sustainable mangrove management system is 1.80, which implies a fairly sustainable mangrove management system. Also, the computed overall sustainability index is 0.26, which is fairly or moderately sustainable. Each criterion has strengths and weaknesses and needs to be improved to have a highly sustainable mangrove management system.
Mangrove management system; Relevant criteria and indicators; Mangrove sustainability indexReferences
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