Effect of No Tillage and Conventional Tillage on Wheat Grain Yield Variability: A Review
Conservation Agriculture (CA) covers more than 205 million hectares in the world. This made it possible to face and mitigate the challenges of climate change, reducing soil erosion and providing multiple ecosystem services. The first elementary factor influenced is the yield evaluation. It has a direct effect on farmers' choices for sustainable production. The present article records a review focused on wheat yield average positive change compared between conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT) systems. The international database collected showed that NT is adaptable everywhere. The results of wheat yield differentiation showed the influence of crop rotation depending on stations located in different climatic zones. In more than 40 years of research, specialists have succeeded in demonstrating the importance of crop productivity like wheat. The whole integrates also experimentations where the initiation starts more than ten years.
Climate change; No tillage; Crop rotation; Wheat; YieldReferences
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