Palaeoweathering, Provenance and Hydrothermal Alteration Characteristics of Nahuta Clay, Jos-Plateau, Northcentral Nigeria
The geochemical characteristics of Nahuta clay, Jos-Plateau, northcentral Nigeria were obtained to ascertain the provenance, palaeoweathering and hydrothermal alteration characteristics. Clay samples were collected at different horizons. SiO2 contents along the profile show a decrease from the deepest sample to the topmost sample and were consistent with the predicted reduction in SiO2 compositions up-profile associated with weathering. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values (96.68–99.81%) of Nahuta clays suggest weathering in the area. The SiO2 content and CIA values indicate weathering in Nahuta area. The topmost part of the clay profile increases in Na2O and K2O concentrations and this is against the expected gradual decrease in Na2O and K2O concentrations up-profile which should reflect destruction of plagioclase (K-feldspar) and removal due to weathering. This probably indicates the addition of Na2O and K2O to the clay deposit from other sources, possibly hydrothermal fluids. This is indicative that the process of formation of Nahuta clay is through hydrothermal alteration. Based on the mineralogical compositions (quartz, albite, kaolinite, illite and osumilite), the provenance of Nahuta clay could be associated with hydrothermal alteration and weathering of granitic host rocks.
Provenance; Palaeoweathering; Hydrothermal; Alteration and graniticReferences
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