Features of the Geoinformation Monitoring System Using Microwave and Optical Tools
The article discusses the issues of GIMS-technology that combines the methodology of GIS-technology and simulation modeling, giving it predictive functions when solving problems of environmental monitoring of the environment. The relationships between experimental data, algorithms and models of environmental processes are analyzed to implement effective operational control and diagnostics of the environment. Particular attention is paid to remote microwave sensing sensors, which ensure the implementation of the functions of GIMS-technology when solving specific problems of monitoring natural systems. For example, the use of microwave technology makes it possible to quickly obtain data on the state of soil moisture, and salinity water bodies, assess the possibility of critical hydrological situations and monitor the condition of hydraulic structures in regions with increased hydrological hazard. It is noted that GIMS-technology ensures the restoration of the spatial distribution of geoecosystem characteristics based on the data of route and ground measurements, which are characterized by fragmentation in space and episodicity in time. GIMS-technology makes it possible to overcome situations of irreducible information uncertainty, using the evolutionary modeling technique for this. The use of optical sensors and spectroellipsometry and spectrophotometry technologies makes it possible to calculate indicators of the quality of water resources, assessing the content of chemical elements in water and the presence of pollutant stains on the water surface.
GIMS-technology; Remote sensing; Monitoring; Environment; Brightness temperature; Ecosystem; Spectroellipsometry; SpectrophotometryReferences
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