Seasonal Effect on Biomarkers of Exposure to Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Coasts of North Western Suez Gulf, Egypt
Petroleum hydrocarbons of surface water were collected from eight locations of from the coasts of north western Suez Gulf, Egypt. The extracted petroleum hydrocarbons were determined by gas chromatography–flame ionization detector and quantified by integrating the areas of both the resolved and unresolved components. The results confirm that the concentration is relatively higher than the recommended in the regulations of the Egyptian low of Environment of No.4/1994 of petroleum products. At various locations, The dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons ranged from 5.639 to 74.8 and 1.868 to 65.698 mg/ml for summer and winter seasons, respectively. This indicates that chronic oil pollution, in addition to hydrocarbon concentrations, the diagnostic indices used shows that the hydrocarbons in the area were comes from biogenic, petrogenic and anthropogenic sources. FT-IR spectrometric analysis confirms the petrogenic nature of pollutants.Keywords:
Egypt; Oil hydrocarbon; Physicochemical; Diagnostic; Gas chromatography; Suez canalReferences
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