Valorization of Agricultural Wastes to Offset Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) Emissions: An Insight in Southeast Asia
This paper aims to review and synthesize the existing literature on agricultural waste valorization in the Southeast Asian (SEA) region, with a focus on its potential to offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The SEA region generates abundant agricultural wastes from major commodity crops, such as: rice, palm oil, sugarcane, coconut, and corn, which present opportunities for valorization. The review found that countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have conducted several studies on agricultural waste valorization, exploring pathways such as bioenergy, value-added products, and soil amendments. However, only a few studies exist for some countries with high residue valorization potential, such as Vietnam and the Philippines. The reviewed literature showed a relationship between agricultural waste valorization and emissions that could contribute to air pollution, but no direct association was established with the associated GHG emissions. The abundance of agricultural residues across SEA presents opportunities for valorization to offset GHG emissions. However, effective valorization is hindered by challenges like open burning practices, logistical issues, and a lack of sustainable waste management strategies. This review highlights the need for further research to establish the direct relationship between agricultural waste valorization and GHG emissions reduction in the SEA region.
Agricultural waste; Biomass; Valorization; Greenhouse gas; Southeast AsiaReferences
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