Coping with Sinkholes: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Kyoo-Man Ha

    Faculty of Resilience, Rabdan Academy, Abu Dhabi 114646, United Arab Emirates

Received: 1 July 2024 | Revised: 17 July 2024 | Accepted: 23 July 2024 | Published Online: 30 September 2024


Sinkholes have frequently occurred around soluble rock formations, but they have been indirectly related to imprudent human practices, based on long-standing recognition. The aim of this study was to explore how to improve sinkhole hazard management to decrease the extent of related risks. The main methodology was a systematic literature review that identified and synthesized the relevant information. The proposed analytical framework served as the basis for review criteria, and the scope of literature was mainly restricted to relevant text data. Analytical categories and analytical units were both used in the text synthesis process. Sinkholes were traditionally treated as natural events; however, major stakeholders started to pay attention to them as human-induced events under climate change. These players extensively included international organizations, sinkhole-prone countries (e.g., Venezuela, China, Saudi Arabia, etc.), and sinkhole-resistant countries (e.g., United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Australia, etc.) in this study. A key theme in the literature was that these stakeholders would no longer deal with sinkholes as natural events but as human-induced events, based on potential advantages (i.e., managing manmade sinkholes and implementing emergency operation plans). Similarly, as addressing emergency prevention, public awareness, technological application, social challenges, education, and training, the key tenet of study would be further achieved in terms of managerial implications. The results of this study suggested that human activities would act as negative factors in sinkhole occurrence more directly than were indicated previously. Hence, the understanding of sinkhole hazard management would be quite deepened via social environment, while policy makers were to proactively manage the issue with the sincere cooperation of local residents.


Limestone; Natural hazard; Human-induced events; Emergency prevention; Social challenges


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How to Cite

Ha, K.-M. (2024). Coping with Sinkholes: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 6(3), 186–196.