Prioritizing Watersheds for Intervention Design Using GIS and Remote Sensing
In many developing countries with poorly managed landscapes, soil erosion threatens the sustainability of water bodies. The main limitations of this study are the lack of daily sediment data, lithology, higher-resolution DEM data, and socioeconomic factors. Poor land use policy and resource management in the Upper Awash Sub-basin lead to soil erosion and sedimentation of hydrological infrastructure, Effective watershed prioritization requires integrating land use, hydrology, sediment load, and morphometric factors but often faces gaps, especially in the study area. This research aims to prioritise the Upper Awash Sub-Basin by its morphometric, land use and cover (LULC), and sediment yield characteristics. We used the integrated AHP-VIKOR multi-attribute decision-making method to prioritise watersheds, incorporating morphometry, LULC, and sediment load attributes in the simple matrix approach. The findings showed the following classes of erosion: exceedingly high (2722.14 km2), high (2524.46 km2), moderate (2205.48 km2), low (1611.43 km2), and extremely low (854.35 km2). Sub-watersheds WS6, WS8, WS10, WS13, and WS24 are the top priority for watershed management. The study ranked watersheds based on various attributes but encountered limitations such as the lack of daily sediment data, geological structure, and lithology. It can be concluded that this approach is very important to identify and categorize hotspots of soil erosion sub-watersheds for planners and decision-makers for conserving water and soil and for different environmental management purposes.
Morphometric Analysis; Soil Erosion; MCDM; VIKOR; AHP; SWATReferences
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