Growth Inhibition of Algae in Aquaculture Fishponds Using Banana Peel Powder: A Mesocosm Experiment
Cyanobacterial blooms or algae problems in aquaculture fish–ponds are becoming a big concern to fish farmers due to reduced production of fish. Although several studies have been conducted around the globe focusing on cyanobacterial blooms in oceans and lakes, little has been done on inhibition of algal biomass impacting fish–ponds in aquaculture industry. The present study assessed the potential of banana peel ashes and potassium sulphate on algal growth inhibition within fish–ponds based on a six–weeks mesocosm experiment conducted with varying ash concentrations (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 g·L−1). This study analysed differences among treatments for the various nutrient variables (nitrates, ammonium and phosphates) at the end of the experiment. The significant experimental differences in physicochemical variables among the study weeks (i.e., 1–6 weeks), treatments (three levels, including controls) and ash concentrations using factorial repeated measures ANOVA were further tested. Moreover, algal growth was determined in order to test the efficiency of treatment n inhibiting algal growth by measuring chlorophyll–a concentration across 6 weeks. Banana peel ashes performed significantly well on inhibition of algal growth than potassium sulphate, except for controls. However, no clear patterns between pH and conductivity were observed throughout the experiment. The present study found that banana peel ashes do not have notable effects on water quality variable, particularly physicochemical parameters, which did not significantly change from first week of experiment. With banana peel ashes being the best inhibitor according to the findings of the present study, further studies are required to investigate the effects of banana peel ashes on fish within the ponds.
Physicochemical Variables; Nutrients; Banana Peel Ash; Potassium Sulphate; Chlorophyll-aReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Linton F. Munyai, Farai Dondofema, Thendo Mutshekwa, Jabulani R. Gumbo, Slobodan Zlatković, Mulalo I. Mutoti

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