Assessing Carbon Sequestration and Biomass Distribution across Diverse Land Use Types in Ban Krang Subdistrict, Phitsanulok Province
This study investigates carbon dioxide (CO₂) sequestration and biomass distribution across various plant components and land use types in Ban Krang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province, with the goal of enhancing carbon management strategies. Field surveys were conducted using 14 plots of 40x40 meters to quantify biomass and estimate CO₂ sequestration across different vegetation types. The findings reveal an average CO₂ sequestration of 122.81 Ton ha⁻¹, with aboveground biomass, particularly stems, contributing the most to carbon storage. Notably, abandoned perennial crops and mixed perennial crops demonstrated the highest sequestration rates, at 657.94 Ton ha⁻¹ and 613.00 Ton ha⁻¹, respectively. In contrast, agricultural lands such as rice paddies and cassava plantations exhibited the lowest sequestration rates, though rice paddies contributed the highest total CO₂ sequestration, amounting to 61,119.71 Tons, due to their extensive area. The study highlights the critical role of diverse and dense vegetation, particularly perennial crops, in maximizing carbon sequestration. It also underscores the potential for improving carbon storage in agricultural lands through better land management practices. The results suggest that targeted strategies should prioritize high-sequestration land use types while also enhancing carbon storage in low-sequestration areas. By optimizing land use and management practices, the region can significantly increase its carbon storage capacity, contributing to climate change mitigation and promoting long-term ecological sustainability. These insights are crucial for formulating effective carbon management strategies in Ban Krang Subdistrict, as well as in other comparable regions.
Carbon Sequestration; Biomass Distribution; Land UseReferences
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