Utilization of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Local Organic Wastes as Sustainable Growth Media for Enhanced Cocoa Seedling Development
This study examines the effects of germination substrates incorporating spent mushroom substrate (SMS) and locally sourced organic materials on the growth and vigor of cocoa seedlings. Seven treatments were evaluated using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), comprising combinations of coconut coir, rice husk, sugarcane bagasse, and biochar. Key findings reveal that treatments combining SMS, sugarcane bagasse, and either coconut coir or biochar (T6 and T7) achieved significantly higher survival rates and Dickson Quality Index (DQI) scores compared to conventional soil (T1). These treatments provided favorable chemical properties, including optimal pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient content (N, P, K), which are critical for cocoa seedling development. The results suggest that using SMS with agricultural waste as an alternative germination medium can reduce cultivation costs, enhance seedling growth, and contribute to sustainable agricultural practices by repurposing organic waste. This approach not only offers cost-effective benefits for farmers but also mitigates environmental impacts associated with waste disposal.
Spent Mushroom Substrate; Organic Materials; Seeding CocoaReferences
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