Thai Millennials’ Engagement with Carbon Footprint Tracking: Extended TAM Approach
This study investigates the adoption of carbon footprint tracking apps (CFAs) among Thai millennials, a critical element in addressing climate change. CFAs have yet to gain significant traction among users despite offering personalized missions. Employing an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework, we examine factors influencing CFA adoption intentions based on a sample of 30 environmentally conscious Thai millennials. Our findings indicate that perceived ease of use and enjoyment are crucial drivers of CFA adoption. Trust significantly impacts perceived usefulness, while enjoyment influences perceived ease of use. The study underscores the importance of user experience (UX) and enjoyment in driving adoption, highlighting the need for intuitive interfaces and engaging features. This research provides comprehensive insights into CFA adoption in Thailand by integrating TAM with external trust and perceived enjoyment factors. These findings offer valuable guidance for app developers, policymakers, and marketers, emphasizing the critical role of user experience and fun in fostering widespread CFA adoption. We discuss implications for stakeholders and suggest directions for future research, including larger-scale studies and cross-cultural comparisons within Southeast Asia. This research contributes to SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
Carbon Footprint Tracking Apps (CFA); Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); Millennials; Intention of Adoption; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)References
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