Urban Resilience through Design: A Holistic Framework for Sustainable Redevelopment of Brownfield Sites
This study presents a holistic framework for sustainable urban design, using the proposed redevelopment design of Berlin's Tegel Airport as a case study. The research addresses the need for comprehensive, real-world applications of sustainable urban design principles in the context of climate change and urban challenges. The proposed framework integrates multiple sustainability elements, including adaptive reuse, innovative energy systems, and a 'resource community' concept. Key features include mixed-use development, a phased approach, and innovative mobility solutions. The study demonstrates the practical application of urban resilience theory, adaptive reuse concepts, circular economy principles, and compact city theory. Findings reveal the potential for significant environmental benefits, including reduced energy consumption and improved resource efficiency. The framework shows promise in fostering social cohesion through mixed-use spaces and community-centered design. Economic implications include creating local job opportunities and the potential for long-term cost savings through efficient resource management. However, challenges such as initial implementation costs and the need for stakeholder coordination are identified. The study contributes to sustainable urban planning by bridging the theoretical concepts and practical implementation gap. It offers a model for transforming urban brownfields into sustainable communities, providing valuable insights for urban planners, policymakers, and developers. Future research directions include longitudinal studies of implemented projects and comparative analyses across diverse urban contexts.
Sustainable Urban Design; Adaptive Reuse; Resource Community; Brownfield Redevelopment; Urban Resilience FrameworkReferences
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