Development of Models for Estimating the Cost of Power Equipment Based on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Power consumption increases annually, wherefore the air emissions during its production occasionally increase. One of the most promising trends of environmentally safe generation of electricity is the transition to oxygen-fuel power complexes operating on a carbon dioxide working medium, with a share of its capture up to 99%. It is worth noting that the breadth of application of power technologies is determined not only on the basis of criteria of thermal efficiency and environmental safety. The most important criterion is the indicator of economic accessibility, the failure of which does not yet allow for a large-scale transition to the use of electric power technologies with the capture and disposal of greenhouse gases. In this study, a set of multifactorial models for estimating the cost of the main generating equipment operating on supercritical carbon dioxide has been developed. it is found that an increase in the initial temperature and pressure will increase the cost of the main generating equipment operating on supercritical carbon dioxide.
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide; Thermodynamic Cycle; Waste Heat Exchanger; Turbine; Combustion Chamber; EfficiencyReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Komarov Ivan Igorevich, Oparin Maxim Vitalievich, Vegera Andrey Nikolaevich, Milyukov Igor Alexandrovich, Muhmmad Maaz Shaikh

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