Evaluating the Interaction of Mycorrhizal Fungi, Azotobacter, and Biochar in Enhancing Cucumber Productivity and Soil Health
This experiment evaluated the effects of the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae, Azotobacter chroococcum bacteria, and Biochar on the characteristics of the root system, and yield of the cucumber plant, Cucumis sativus L.; for this purpose, experiment designed: the first factor is a combination of Mycorrhizae (M) at 35 g plant–1, Azotobacter (A) 15 ml plant–1 with a microbial density of 2.2, and three concentrations (0, 5, 10%) of Biochar sprayed on the plant. The results of the research demonstrated that using mycorrhizae, Azotobacter bacteria, and phosphate rock with half the mineral recommendation (MAR) and spraying Biochar at a concentration of 10% gave the highest rate of infection of the roots with mycorrhizae, amounting to 80%, and the highest dry weight of the root system reached 84.53 g. The highest number of total bacteria was 8.74 log Cfu g m–1 of soil, the highest plant height reached 375.0 cm, the highest dry weight of the shoot reached 101.66 g plant–1, and the highest yield for the greenhouse was 4.501 ton greenhouse–1, followed by the treatment of adding Mycorrhiza with phosphate rock and half the mineral recommendation (MR) with Biochar at a concentration of 10%, then treatment with the addition of mycorrhizae with Azotobacter bacteria with half the mineral recommendation (AR) with 10% of Biochar. It is possible to eliminate half of the mineral recommendation by using these fertilizers, reduce the harmful impact of pollution on the environment and enhance sustainability in agriculture.
Biochar; Phosphate Rock; Azotobacter; Mycorrhizal; Mineral FertilizerReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Noor A. J. K. Al-Silmawy, Nasser Fahim Yasir, Zahraa K. K. Al-Salihi, Asmaa Hussein Allawi Al-Dulaimi

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