Climatic Variables and Food Security of Villagers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Districts of Huancayo, Peru


  • Yesenia Antonieta Villalva Castellanos

    Faculty of Agronomy, National University of Central Peru(UNCP), Huancayo 12006, Peru

  • Doris Marmolejo Gutarra

    Faculty of Agronomy, National University of Central Peru(UNCP), Huancayo 12006, Peru

  • Elizabeth Nelly Paitan Anticona

    Faculty of Food Industries,National University of Central Peru (UNCP), Huancayo 12006, Peru

  • Edith Rosana Huamán Guadalupe

    Faculty of Nursing,National University of Central Peru (UNCP), Huancayo 12006, Peru

Received: 23 September 2024 | Revised: 1 November 2024 | Accepted: 31 December 2024 | Published Online: 19 March 2025


The study investigated the relationship between climatic variables and food security in households in the districts of Huancayo (Chongos Alto, Viques, Pucará, and Huancayo) during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with a sample of 272 households out of 36,453. Food security data were collected through questionnaires, and climatic variables (temperature, humidity, and precipitation) were obtained from CEPREANDES weather stations between September 2020 and February 2021. The results showed that 44.49% of households experienced mild food insecurity, while 55.5% experienced moderate food insecurity. Recorded climatic conditions included maximum temperatures of 28°C in Pucará and 27°C in Huancayo, and a minimum of -8°C in Chongos Alto. Relative humidity reached 89% in Pucará and 87% in Chongos Alto and Huancayo, while maximum rainfall was 28 mm in Chongos Alto and 23 mm in Huancayo. Multivariate analysis revealed that relative humidity had a significant association with moderate food insecurity (B=16.406; 95% CI: -64735 to 64768), increasing the risk 16 times under high humidity conditions. No significant relationships were found with temperature (B=-7.107; 95% CI: -77320 to 77306) or precipitation (B=-7.831; 95% CI: -25690 to 25674). It was concluded that relative humidity is a key factor in food security, particularly during the pandemic, while other climatic variables showed no significant impacts. These findings highlight the need for urgent adaptations to climatic challenges in vulnerable contexts.


Food Security; COVID 19; Epidemiological Map; Climatic Factors


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How to Cite

Yesenia Antonieta Villalva Castellanos, Marmolejo Gutarra, D., Paitan Anticona, E. N., & Edith Rosana Huamán Guadalupe. (2025). Climatic Variables and Food Security of Villagers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Districts of Huancayo, Peru. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 7(4), 55–67.