Design of Artificial Beaches at Sheltered and Exposed Sites
The paper is focused on the design of artificial sand beaches at sheltered and exposed sites. The methodology applied includes the study of the most essential design parameters and the application of numerical models to compute the beach erosion and maintenance. The computed erosion volume decreases for coarser sand (0.5 mm sand instead of 0.3 mm). Beach erosion increases for more graded sand, but the effect is small (10%-15%). The slope of the artificial beach at sheltered sites is commonly between 1 to 15 and 1 to 30 in conditions with a micro tidal range and mild waves. Slopes between 1 to 30 and 1 to 50 are used for more open exposed sites. The effect of the upper and lower beach slope (1 to 15 or 1 to 20) on beach erosion is marginal for sand in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 mm. A break in slope is quickly adjusted by transport processes. The volume of beach sand required may be reduced by constructing a submerged sill at the toe of the beach. Analysis of costs shows that the construction costs including maintenance over a period of 50 years of a submerged sill are about the same as that of beach fill including maintenance. Hence, the beach fill volume can be twice as large for a solution without a sill. Beach erosion due to alongshore transport processes is minimum if the beach line of the planform is perpendicular to the main wave direction (equilibrium beach).
Design Artificial Beaches; Submerged sills/breakwaters; Beach Extensions and Land ReclamationsReferences
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