Enhanced Lead and Zinc Removal via Prosopis Cineraria Leaves Powder: A Study on Isotherms and RSM Optimization
This study investigates the potential of Prosopis cineraria Leaves Powder (PCLP) as a biosorbent for removing lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) from aqueous solutions, optimizing the process using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Prosopis cineraria, commonly known as Khejri, is a drought-resistant tree with significant promise in environmental applications. The research employed a Central Composite Design (CCD) to examine the independent and combined effects of key process variables, including initial metal ion concentration, contact time, pH, and PCLP dosage. RSM was used to develop mathematical models that explain the relationship between these factors and the efficiency of metal removal, allowing the determination of optimal operating conditions. The experimental results indicated that the Langmuir isotherm model was the most appropriate for describing the biosorption of both metals, suggesting favorable adsorption characteristics. Additionally, the D-R isotherm confirmed that chemisorption was the primary mechanism involved in the biosorption process. For lead removal, the optimal conditions were found to be 312.23 K temperature, pH 4.72, 58.5 mg L−1 initial concentration, and 0.27 g biosorbent dosage, achieving an 83.77% removal efficiency. For zinc, the optimal conditions were 312.4 K, pH 5.86, 53.07 mg L−1 initial concentration, and the same biosorbent dosage, resulting in a 75.86% removal efficiency. These findings highlight PCLP’s potential as an effective, eco-friendly biosorbent for sustainable heavy metal removal in water treatment.
Prosopis Cineraria; Lead; Zinc; Isotherms; OptimizationReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Rakesh Namdeti, Gaddala Babu Rao, Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Noor Mohammed Said Qahoor, Naveen Prasad B. S, Uma Reddy Meka, Prema. P.M, Doaa Salim Musallam Samhan Al-Kathiri, Muayad Abdullah Ahmed Qatan, Hafidh Ahmed Salim Ba Alawi

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