The Impact of Energy-Efficient Technologies on the Development of the Agricultural Industry


  • Kateryna Andriushchenko

    Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Kyiv National Economic University Named after Vadym Hetman,  03057 Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Anastasiia Liezina

    Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Kyiv National Economic University Named after Vadym Hetman,  03057 Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Alla Slavkova

    Department of Finance Named after V. Fedosov, Kyiv National Economic University Named after Vadym Hetman, 03057 Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Pavlo Logvinov

    Head of the Municipal Economic Development Department, Uzhhorod Municipality, 88000  Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine

  • Vitalii Lavruk

    Department of Finance, Banking, Insurance and Electronic Payment Systems, Higher Educational Institution «Podillia State University», 32316  Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine

  • Serhii Petrukha

    Department of Management in Construction, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, 03037 Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Andrii Storozhenko

    Department of Economics, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine

Received: 30 October 2024 | Revised: 16 November 2024 | Accepted: 19 November 2024 | Published Online: 25 December 2024


The increase in the population as a whole gradually requires solving the issues of continuous development of the agro-industrial complex in all directions and components. This development is accompanied by an increase in energy consumption, in the total balance of which electricity occupies a significant share. The purpose of this study is to develop a mathematical model of the use of infrared means for heating agro-industrial premises, which affects the formation of energy-saving and energy-saving processes of enterprises. The agrarian potential of Ukraine was analyzed and compared with other countries of the world for awareness, analysis and relevant conclusions regarding energy consumption and frugality. This helped, based on calculations and foreign experience, to prove the effectiveness of the proposed mathematical model. And its empiric results of application in the form of the use of a copper plate allowed to prove efficiency due to the reduction of electricity consumption in the conditions of maintaining the temperature regime of industrial-type premises not higher than 22–26 0C when the equipment is operating at an output power of 40 W. The results of the research are the development of the existing theoretical foundations of ensuring the effective use of energy resources in agricultural organizations and can be used by economic entities and regional authorities for the purpose of making informed decisions in the field of energy-saving policy development in the agricultural sector.


Agricultural Industry; Electric Power Industry; Development; Latest Technologies; Innovations


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How to Cite

Andriushchenko, K., Liezina, A., Slavkova, A., Logvinov, P., Lavruk, V., Petrukha, S., & Storozhenko, A. (2025). The Impact of Energy-Efficient Technologies on the Development of the Agricultural Industry. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 7(1), 423–437.


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