Effect of Integrated Nano-Fertilizer Spray and Vermicompost in Growth and Quality of Corn Yield
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of integrated nano-fertilizer spray and vermicompost in growth and quality of corn yield in calcareous soil at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ University of Baghdad/ Iraq during the autumn season of 2022 using Split Split Plot Design in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Main plots were designated to two types of vermicompost (local and imported). The secondary plots were assigned to vermicompost added to the soil at three levels of 0, 10 and 20 Mg ha-1. The third plots were assigned to nano-fertilizer containing N, P, K, Zn, Fe and Mn at 0, 50, 100 and 150 mg L-1 sprayed on plant at 20, 40 and 60 days after planting. The results showed a significant effect of local vermicompost achieving available nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil as 43.31 mg N kg-1 soil and 19.25 mg P kg-1 soil. In the leaves, nitrogen was 3.86 %, potassium 4.54 %, iron 174.22 mg Fe kg-1 and Zinc was 73.53 mg Zn kg-1, grain yield was 165.48 Mg ha-1. Adding vermicompost to the soil at 20 Mg ha-1 achieving in available nitrogen in the soil of 43.74 mg N kg-1 soil, available phosphorus of 19.72 mg P kg-1 soil and available potassium of 196.93 mg K kg-1 soil. In the leaves, nitrogen was 4.37 %, phosphorus was 0.44 %, potassium 4.87 %, iron was 182.63 mg Fe kg-1, zinc was 73.70 mg Zn kg-1 and grain yield was 168.43 Mg ha-1. Spraying nano-fertilizer on the plant at 150 mg L-1 achieved In the leaves, nitrogen 4.28 %, phosphorus of 0.46 %, potassium of 5.10 %, iron of 204.83 mg Fe kg-1, zinc of 89.28 mg Zn kg-1 and manganese of 234.07 mg Mn kg-1 and grain yield was 172.88 Mg ha-1.
Macronutrient; Micronutrient; Vermicompost; CornReferences
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