Resource Retrieval from End-of-Life Passenger Cars in the Informal Sector of Morocco
Sustainably managing vehicles at their end-of-life stage (ELVs) presents significant potential for resource recovery, effectively addressing resource scarcity through the closure of the material loop. While ELVs in countries like Morocco have traditionally been treated as waste rather than secondary resource material (SRM), they have the potential to reduce reliance on primary materials when used judiciously. Despite policymakers aiming for increased resource efficiency in the automobile sector, there is limited research exploring the role of the informal sector in recovering materials and parts from ELVs. This study investigates the ELV processing scenario at Salmia scrap market, recognized as one of Africa’s largest informal markets for ELVs. Using a mass-balance approach, the disposal of sedan cars is examined, and a conceptual framework illustrating the process flow and interactions among multiple stakeholders is developed. From sampled sedan cars, approximately 7% of aluminum and 76% of iron, by weight, are recovered. These findings contribute to estimating the potential for recycling and recovering materials from ELVs processed by the informal sector in Morocco. In a standard operational context, estimations suggest that the sector holds substantial potential to recover aluminum and iron by 2030. This underscores the importance of formalizing operations and integrating informal players into the value chain to effectively address resource scarcity within a circular economy.
Secondary Resource Material; Mass Balance Analysis; Informal Sector; Recyclability; Recoverability; Circular EconomyReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Imane Rouichat, Fatima Zahra Moussaid, Miloudia Slaoui, Jamal Mabrouki, Mohamed El Allaoui

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