Study of Environmental and Geochemical Effects on The Distribution and Transformations of Iron Oxides in Some Soils


  • Rafaa Haider Azizi Al-Mahanna

    Department of Soil Science and Water Resources, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Al Diwaniyah 58002, Iraq

  • Luma Abdalalah Sagban Alabadi

    Department of Horticulture and Garden Engineering, College of Agriculture, University of Al-Qadisiyah,Al Diwaniyah 58002, Iraq

Received: 3 November 2024 | Revised: 7 November 2024 | Accepted: 19 November 2024 | Published Online: 23 January 2025


This study was conducted to determine the content, distribution and transformation of iron oxides in the soils of the Middle Euphrates regions in Iraq. The study included four sites: Tuwairij area in Karbala Governorate, College of Agriculture at the University of Kufa in Najaf Governorate, College of Agriculture at the University of Qadisiyah in Diwaniyah Governorate, and the Nile District in Babylon Governorate. The results showed that the soils of Najaf and Qadisiyah were superior in terms of their content of total free iron oxides (Fet) compared to the soils of Karbala and Babylon. The relative distribution of free iron oxides was generally close among the studied sites, with a homogeneous pattern in the distribution of these oxides within the soil horizons. As for silicate iron oxides (Fes), a homogeneous pattern was observed in the soil of Babylon with its content increasing with depth, while these patterns varied in the soils of Karbala, Najaf and Qadisiyah. Regarding the ratios of crystalline iron oxides (Fed/Fet), the study showed that the Babylon and Qadisiyah soils recorded the highest values, while these values were lower in the Najaf and Karbala soils. On the other hand, amorphous iron oxides (FeO) showed similar values in the Najaf and Qadisiyah soils. In general, these results clearly showed the effect of environmental and geochemical factors of the study areas on the distribution and transformations of iron oxides in the soil of the Middle Euphrates regions.


Fed/Fet; FeO; Crystalline; Iron Compounds; Active Iron Ratio


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How to Cite

Rafaa Haider Azizi Al-Mahanna, & Luma Abdalalah Sagban Alabadi. (2025). Study of Environmental and Geochemical Effects on The Distribution and Transformations of Iron Oxides in Some Soils. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 7(2), 129–137.


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