Investigation of Combine Cycle Power Plants with Low-Grade Heat Utilization Working Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures
The Russian energy sector remains heavily reliant on thermal power plants, with gas generation accounting for approximately 66% of the installed capacity. However, the industry faces challenges such as depletion of reserves, rising prices for hydrocarbons, and increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This study focuses on developing new scientific and technical solutions to increase the efficiency and environmental safety of combined cycle power units. The research involves structural and parametric optimization of trinary cycle power plants operating on a methane-hydrogen mixture, as well as the development and optimization of turbine and heat exchange equipment for low-temperature power plants. The results show that the transition to trinary CCGT (Combine Cycle Gas Turbine) units with deep utilization and the use of hydrogen fuel can significantly reduce specific CO2 emissions and increase energy efficiency up to 0.21% with also increases in capacity of turbine of approximately 17 MW. The aim of this research is to calculate the efficiency, cost effectiveness and environmental-friendly solution for power generation using mixture of hydrogen- methane as fuel in combine cycle power plant that includes ORC. Additionally, the efficiency of the organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) benefits from the increased moisture, with capacity improvements of 1-2 MW observed when the hydrogen proportion rises from 25% to 50%. Moreover, the potential for zero emissions, coupled with significant increases in power output and efficiency, underscores hydrogen's role as a pivotal component in the future of energy production.
Low Heat; Trinary Cycle; Methane Hydrogen Mixture; CombustionReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Mikhail Andreevich Ostrovsky, Roman Evgenevich Zuikin, Muhammad Maaz Shaikh, Daniil Vitalevich Patorkin, Milyukov Igor Alexandrovich

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