Assessment of Mangrove Cover Change Based on Combining Remote Sensing Technique and Hydrodynamic Model Simulation
Mangrove ecosystems along Vietnam's coastline face significant degradation due to human activities, despite their crucial role in coastal protection against natural hazards. This study aims to assess the spatial and temporal changes in mangrove coverage along Vietnam's southern coast by integrating remote sensing techniques with hydrodynamic model simulations. The research methodology combines the Collect Earth tool analysis of Spot-4 and Planet satellite imagery (2000-2020) with Mike 21-HD two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic modeling to evaluate mangrove coverage changes by simulating shoreline erosion. Results analysis reveals that a significant increase of 109.83 ha in mangrove area within Vinh Chau Town of Soc Trang Province during the period 2010-2020, predominantly in the eastern region. Hydrodynamic simulations demonstrate that the coastal zone is primarily influenced by the interaction of nearshore currents, East Sea tides, and seasonal monsoon wave patterns. The model results effectively capture the complex interactions between these hydrodynamic factors and mangrove distribution. These findings not only validate the effectiveness of combining remote sensing and hydrodynamic modeling for mangrove assessment but also provide crucial insights for sustainable coastal ecosystem management. The study's integrated approach offers a robust framework for monitoring mangrove dynamics and developing evidence-based conservation strategies, highlighting the importance of maintaining these vital ecosystems for coastal protection.
Mangrove; Wave; Current; Hydrodynamic Modeling; SatelliteReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Nguyen Van Thinh, Ngo Trung Dung, Nguyen Trong Hiep, Do Phong Luu, Dang Truong An

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