Index Evaluation and Application of Green Innovation Ability in the Pearl River Delta Science and Technology Park


  • Hui Xu

    School of Digital Economy and Management, Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510990, China

  • Xin-yun Ye

    School of Business Administration, Research Institute of Innovation Competitiveness of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou 510320, China

  • Wenyi Zhang

    School of Business Administration of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou 510320, China

Received: 26 November 2024 | Revised: 19 December 2024 | Accepted: 24 December 2024 | Published Online: 10 March 2025


This paper takes the green innovation in 15 science and technology parks in the Pearl River Delta region as a sample, uses the AHP-Fuzzy evaluation method to construct an index evaluation model with 5 first-level indicators and 9 second-level indicators, and analyzes the essential connotation and key influencing factors of green innovation ability in science and technology park. The research found that among the first-level indicators, “industrial innovation”, “incubator innovation” and “policy innovation” ranked among the top three key factors. Among the second-level indicators, the three factors of “enterprise incubator innovation”, “government policies and fiscal and financial policies” and “the development of new industries and emerging industries” have a significant impact on the innovation capabilities of science and technology parks. Accordingly, some suggested measures are put forward to provide theoretical and practical guidance for improving their green innovation ability. The main innovation of this paper is to construct an evaluation model of science and technology park suitable for the green innovation ability of science and technology park according to the social and economic development of the Pearl River Delta city belt and to test its effectiveness. In view of the technology, complexity, ambiguity and pluralism of the evaluation index construction of green innovation ability in science and technology parks in practice, the index evaluation model and application strategy in this paper hope to provide a theoretical reference for the park operators to improve their benefits and promote the development of regional industrial clusters.


Science and Technology Park; Green Innovation Abilit; Index Evaluation; New Quality Productivity


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How to Cite

Hui Xu, Xin-yun Ye, & Wenyi Zhang. (2025). Index Evaluation and Application of Green Innovation Ability in the Pearl River Delta Science and Technology Park. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 7(3), 286–305.