Tourism and Community Development: A Holistic Perspective from the Local Community in Bodhgaya


  • Mridul Kumar

    Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar 800005, India

  • Shailendra K. Mandal

    Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar 800005, India

Received: 11 December 2024 | Revised: 2 January 2025 | Accepted: 13 January 2025 | Published Online: 3 March 2025


Tourism, an essential engine for economic development, also raises issues that lean towards the economic aspect face to face with the environmental, socio-cultural, and well-being of the local community. Bodhgaya, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the holiest pilgrimage sites in Buddhism, reflects the complexities of tourism-driven development. Tourism has contributed to the local economy but has also manifested social-economic inequality, stressed the facilities, and put pressure on cultural heritage and the environment. This research elaborates on the relationship between tourism and community development in Bodhgaya through economic, cultural, environmental, and social aspects. Based on the literature review and primary data analysis, the research shows how residents perceive the impacts of tourism on their rural culture, the degree of involvement of the community in tourism governance, and the difficulties of maintaining a balance between tourism growth and the preservation of the local culture. The results show that although tourism creates jobs and aids local businesses, benefits are not evenly distributed, with many residents remaining in a precarious economic state. Additionally, cultural commodification and ecological degradation are rampant, made worse by inadequate infrastructure and exclusionary planning processes. This research highlights the critical role of community involvement in designing sustainable tourism approaches and suggests practical steps to ensure fair development. The impact of social tourism participants on resident community empowerment in religious and heritage sites is a topic of broader importance for destination management, cultural heritage, and tourism development in general.


Impact Assessment; Seasonality; Perception; Socio-Economic Disparities; Tourism Infrastructure


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How to Cite

Mridul Kumar, & Shailendra K. Mandal. (2025). Tourism and Community Development: A Holistic Perspective from the Local Community in Bodhgaya. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 7(3), 133–150.