Desalination Brine Discharge in Morocco
Seawater desalination has been considered an important solution for water scarcity in coastal areas. Morocco, with its 3,500 km long coastline, has seen significant growth in population and industrial activities in recent years. The dams that supply water to most regions of Morocco have faced periods of drought. This led the government to start a large-scale seawater desalination project that shall produce over 2 MM m3/year. The most common environmental impact associated with desalination plants is the high concentration brine discharge which can alter the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the receiving water body, In fact, the increasing number of desalination plants along the coastline amplifies the potential risks that brine discharges pose to marine ecosystems. This highlights the critical need for regulations to manage pollutant concentrations in water, both at the discharge point (Effluent Standards - ES) and in the receiving environment (Ambient Standards - AS). Law 36-15, in its Article 72, grants any natural or legal person, whether public or private, the right to carry out seawater desalination to meet their own water needs or those of other users, in accordance with current legislation and regulations. However, the definition of regulations concerning marine environmental aspects and the substantial limits for discharges has not yet been specified. Indeed, these regulations will need to be developed with due consideration for the local biodiversity. These regulations should also take into account the technical criteria required to determine the compliance point and define the boundaries of the brine discharge impact zone.
Drought; Desalination; Environmental Impact; Brine Discharge; Regulations; MarineReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Zineb Chari, Essediya Cherkaoui, Mohamed Khamar, Abderrahman Nounah

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