The Bioconversion of Municipal Solid Waste in the Biodrying Reactor
The bioconversion process of municipal solid waste was assessed on the basis of the results obtained from the biodrying reactor working at a full industrial scale. The bio- reactor is a part of mechanical-biological installation following mechanical stage. The bio-reactor was equipped with measuring devices allowing the analysis of the parameters like: temperature both inside the waste and also air above the waste and also the humidity of waste during the 14 days of the biodrying process. The kinetics of bioconversion was assessed basing on measured the loss of ignition (LOI) parameter detected during the biodrying process. The LOI value of the samples varied from 17.03% d.m. to 30.34% d.m. depending on the location inside the reactor. The estimated kinetic rate constant kT of the bioconversion of biomass in the industrial reactor was kT = 0.3141.
In analyzed case study the calorific value of product leaving the full-scale bio-reactor is too low to use this product as an alternative fuel. As was stated, the reason of this is too low a share of the carbon-rich fraction in the feedstock.
Biodrying of waste; Mechanical-biological treatment (MBT); Kinetics of waste bioconversionReferences
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