The waste management sector plays a vital role in environmental sustainability and public health. However, it faces significant challenges due to a multi-dimensional skills gap that hinders the effective management, processing and disposal of waste. Effective waste management requires increasing levels of technical expertise, analytical proficiency, behavioural skills and digital competence. However, one critical point... More
This study aims to assess seismic hazards and develop effective mitigation strategies for the Mentawai-Siberut region in Indonesia. The research uses quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze historical seismic data, predictive models, and stakeholder perspectives. The quantitative analysis includes seismic hazard estimation using the Gutenberg-Richter formula, ground movement analysis based on GMPE, and time interval... More
This study examines the impact of waste management policies on public health in Bantar Gebang landfill which faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, low community participation, and ineffective policy implementation. More than half of the waste generated is not transported to landfills, resulting in significant health and environmental risks, including respiratory infections, waterborne diseases, and... More
This study aims to the factors influencing consumer intention to purchase eco-friendly, small-packaged agricultural products using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). With increasing demand for sustainable consumption, eco-friendly food packaging has become a critical focus within the circular economy. This study was conducted in Seoul, South Korea, a key marketplace for consumer trends, and surveyed 200... More
This study examines the evolving use of synthetic chemicals in intensive agriculture over the past decade. It highlights the negative impacts of chemical inputs on soil health and ecosystem integrity and recommends knowledge-sharing platforms, soil protection laws, and collaborative efforts between regulatory agencies and agricultural experts. The study emphasizes the need for a balanced approach... More
The paper primarily focuses on social safety nets and their effectiveness in poverty alleviation. Social Safety Net (SSN) programs pertain to social service initiatives aimed at providing temporary assistance to individuals or groups facing vulnerabilities or unexpected hardships, such as those with lower incomes. Poverty poses a significant obstacle to the progress of social development,... More
According the importance of the stored grains and other products, it is an essential to keep them from khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium infestation. This study determined the mortality percentage of 5th instar larvae of T. granarium fed on wheat seeds (25gm) treated with different weights of silica as well as silica nanoparticles (20, 40, 60 and 80 mg)... More
This article aims to analyze the repercussions of food trade between China and various regions of the world to understand the dynamics of food flows and offer a novel perspective on the contemporary globalization process. Understanding these flows involves analyzing the global production and commercialization of food and the effects of these movements on exporting... More
This study examines the spatiotemporal evolution of Tibetan villages in western Sichuan through state transition models and predictive simulations to understand their complex dynamics and key driving factors. Using a combination of multivariate time-series analysis and chaotic attractor identification, the research identifies forest cover, economic growth, employment rates, road density, and communication network coverage as critical... More
Tourism, an essential engine for economic development, also raises issues that lean towards the economic aspect face to face with the environmental, socio-cultural, and well-being of the local community. Bodhgaya, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the holiest pilgrimage sites in Buddhism, reflects the complexities of tourism-driven development. Tourism has contributed to the local economy... More
This research investigates the effectiveness of climate-related development aid in Indonesia’s climate mitigation. Specific objectives include assessing the contribution of official development assistance (ODA) to reduce CO2 emissions and evaluating the implementation of the Busan Principles of aid effectiveness to achieve Indonesia’s mitigation priorities and targets. We utilise a new primary dataset based on interviews... More
Seawater desalination has been considered an important solution for water scarcity in coastal areas. Morocco, with its 3,500 km long coastline, has seen significant growth in population and industrial activities in recent years. The dams that supply water to most regions of Morocco have faced periods of drought. This led the government to start a... More
The energy sector is pivotal in Vietnam’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. This study employs a combination of Structural Decomposition Analysis (SDA) and decoupling approaches based on data from Vietnam’s energy statistics and the Vietnam Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) for 2016, 2018, and 2020. The primary aim is to elucidate the effects of... More
This research addresses a vital aspect of corporate sustainability by exploring the impact of ESG disclosures on the performance of petrochemical companies listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange. Focusing on the period from 2020 to 2022, it provides critical insights into how ESG practices contribute to achieving organizational sustainability goals while enhancing financial performance. The... More
This study highlights the potential of diatomaceous earth to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from canal sediments used in agricultural irrigation. The findings demonstrate both technical feasibility and economic benefits for agriculture, particularly in regions where such irrigation practices are common. The research incorporates three distinct projects. The first involved monitoring water and sediment quality in the Xochimilco... More
Understanding water uptake depth and its relationship with functional traits offers valuable insights into resource-use partitioning among coexisting tree species as well as forest responses to drought. However, knowledge about water uptake patterns in vertical soil layers, especially among increasingly widespread secondary forest tree species, remains limited. In this study, we investigated interspecific and seasonal variations in water uptake depth among seven coexisting tree species over a... More
Nature-based solutions (NBS) involve the sustainable maintenance, management, and restoration of natural or modified ecosystems. Flooding is a major problem in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and has significant social and economic ramifications. This study tries to suggest creative solutions that support human welfare and biodiversity while simultaneously resolving social problems by adopting NBS. An online survey using convenience and... More
Finding microorganism-rich soils has become popular in recent years. Through natural mechanisms, these bacteria can protect plants from diseases and give critical nutrients. Ecologically and economically sustainable food production is essential to meet global demand. This article highlights soil microorganisms' function in the global carbon cycle and their principal identification methods. Identifying and assessing soil... More
This study demonstrates the complexity and importance of water quality as a measure of the health and sustainability of ecosystems that directly influence biodiversity, human health, and the world economy. The predictability of water quality thus plays a crucial role in managing our ecosystems to make informed decisions and, hence, proper environmental management. This study addresses... More
This study aims to assess the potential of natural tourism in Kosovo, especially in the Dukagjin region as a case study. The main objective is to identify and analyze this region's tourism potential to understand its impact and importance. 180 respondents from the Dukagjin region participated in this study, and the quantitative method was used... More
This paper takes the green innovation in 15 science and technology parks in the Pearl River Delta region as a sample, uses the AHP-Fuzzy evaluation method to construct an index evaluation model with 5 first-level indicators and 9 second-level indicators, and analyzes the essential connotation and key influencing factors of green innovation ability in science and... More
The global shipping industry, like many others, is under growing pressure to be more sustainable. Regulation, renewable energy advances and customer demand have created a golden opportunity to make shipping more environmentally sustainable, which, however, entails significant funding. Traditional ship financing has been done largely on a secured basis, with relatively few considerations around sustainability and environmental... More
The problems noted in the structures built on wooden foundation piles in a lake environment required various works to strengthen over time. This work mainly consists of the recovery of the foundation mass by micropiles due to the increase in loads on the structures, or the recovery of the foundation mass by injection, which is carried... More
During the past few decades, we have witnessed the phenomenon of constant warming occurring everywhere on the globe. Cities have suffered from urban warming to a greater extent than any other part of the world, and Kolkata has one of the highest levels of urban warming of any city around the world. In Kolkata, 73%... More
The Moroccan automotive industry is experiencing steady growth, positioning itself as the largest manufacturer of passenger cars in Africa. This expansion is leading to a significant increase in waste generation, particularly from end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), which require proper dismantling and disposal to minimize environmental harm. Millions of tonnes of automotive waste are generated annually, necessitating... More