Cost Estimation for Modernization of Metro Terminal Stations Using ANN Technique
The current situation of Cairo metro stations, especially terminal stations and its surrounding areas, has bad financial revenue and bad effect on environment. It is a major factor in increasing of noise, traffic jam and air pollution, in addition to, spreading of street vendors, collecting of random parking around these terminal stations. Thus, this paper proposed a methodology helping to apply multilateral investments in metro terminal stations for getting extra profits and decreasing the bad environmental effect of terminal stations and its surrounding areas. Hence, Helwan-Metro station on line 1 has been considered as a case study. Number of passengers at peak time, their ages, and their destinations, have been considered by making a field survey and a questionnaire. After collecting data and finalizing the surveying questionnaire, primary studies were done to modify and introduce a new proposal for Helwan-Metro station. The initial cost of the proposed project is predicted by using Artificial Neural Network technique using Just NN software. The investment feasibility achieved by consideration of Life Cycle Cost analysis and calculation of Net Present Value (NPV) of the proposed project.
Railways; Terminal stations; Cost; Artificial neural network; Net present value; MetroReferences
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