Sustainable Development of Apparel Industry in Bangladesh: A Critical Review
Bangladesh’s apparel industry has become the country’s economic foundation. The textile and apparel employees especially over four million people. In this major industrial sector, it is critical to encourage sustainability. When the apparel market and corporations focus on environmentally friendly products, Bangladesh’s textile and apparel sectors remain far behind, putting the country at risk of losing market share. It is right of passage to implement techniques and a long-term strategy to sustainability. Bangladeshi apparel industries are currently facing significant issues in terms of labor conditions. In garment manufacturers, fires are a common occurrence. Thousands of workers have perished because of these dangers. Due to Bangladesh’s fire and safety difficulties, several foreign purchasers have already opted not to do business with the country again. Furthermore, workers receive the world’s lowest pay, which leaves them dissatisfied and frequently results in conflicts and violence during protests poor wages. This study is conveyed based on theoretical, analytical, and statistical aspects. The goal of this study is to represent the overall picture of sustainability in the apparel industry in Bangladesh. This study illustrates on using a life cycle approach to assessing manufactured products for environmental indicators to attain sustainability, fast fashion, government policy of sustainability, new method and material of garments and compare with the lifestyle of Europe against Bangladesh. This paper investigated Bangladesh’s garment industry’s working environment, fire, and safety hazards, and made suggestions for important environmental and sustainability activities. This study is helpful to all the people because sustainability is the main concern in a day.
Sustainable; Apparel industry; Fashion; EnvironmentReferences
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