Research on the Prediction of Quay Crane Resource Hour based on Ensemble Learning
In Container terminals, a quay crane’s resource hour is affected by various complex nonlinear factors, and it is not easy to make a forecast quickly and accurately. Most ports adopt the empirical estimation method at present, and most of the studies assumed that accurate quay crane’s resource hour could be obtained in advance. Through the ensemble learning (EL) method, the influence factors and correlation of quay crane’s resources hour were analyzed based on a large amount of historical data. A multi-factor ensemble learning estimation model based quay crane’s resource hour was established. Through a numerical example, it is finally found that Adaboost algorithm has the best effect of prediction, with an error of 1.5%. Through the example analysis, it comes to a conclusion: the error is 131.86% estimated by the experience method. It will lead that subsequent shipping cannot be serviced as scheduled, increasing the equipment wait time and preparation time, and generating additional cost and energy consumption. In contrast, the error based Adaboost learning estimation method is 12.72%. So Adaboost has better performance.
The shipping industry; Data driver; Ensemble learning; Berth allocation problem; Quay crane resource hourReferences
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