Evaluating Bullying Effect on the Happiness and Performance of the Ship’s Crew


  • Imad Mubarak Said AlBreiki Department of maritime studies, International Maritime College Oman (IMCO), Oman
  • Mehrdad Behforouzi Department of maritime studies, International Maritime College Oman (IMCO), Oman




Bullying is rampant and has severe effects on the health and wellbeing of the employees. Additionally, it also undermines job satisfaction and performance, thus affecting productivity. Bullying among seafarers is widespread, and their isolation from the rest of the people while at sea can enhance aggressive behaviour. Bullying is widespread among seafarers and severely affects them in core areas of their life. There is a significant effect of bullying on mental health. However, the Omani seafarers are loyal to their jobs and claim to be happy at sea despite the challenges and hardships. While there are different forms of bullying in the workplace, verbal abuse is the most rampant. The study seeks to highlight the impact of bullying on seafarers' happiness and job satisfaction who work in a shipping company. A questionnaire with nine questions was prepared based on the authors' experience and sent by mobile phone to fifty officers and crew members working onboard. More insight into workplace bullying among seafarers is essential in formulating adequate law, thus improving seafarers' health and safety.


Bullying; Job satisfaction; Life at sea; Conducts; Mariners well being


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How to Cite

Said AlBreiki, I. M., & Behforouzi, M. (2021). Evaluating Bullying Effect on the Happiness and Performance of the Ship’s Crew. Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research, 4(1), 8–15. https://doi.org/10.30564/jmser.v4i1.2753


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