Welfare for the Aged in Nigeria, a Sustenance for the Declining Older Population and Aged Male in Nigeria


  • Taiwo James Odebola Near East University, Lefkosa, North Cyprus




A buttress on the need for welfare program in Nigeria and the important obligation to consider the Economics’ and CIA’s contextual position for the dependency ratios, both total and elderly dependency ratio alongside the consideration of the age structure and demography statistics of Nigeria relatively to other economies, particularly as an elixir for the declining older population in Nigeria and the aged male contraction in the nation. Although, older female population is higher in every country as obtainable globally, the Nigerian case is that of drastic contraction in both aged male and older population generally. Therefore, the submission is that the government has to consider the total dependency ratio to the elderly dependency ratio, which is all-encompassing in order to cater for the declining older population and to appropriate the requisite welfare cum benefits programs in the nation.


Welfare policy and dependency ratios; Declining older population; Welfare program for the aged in Nigeria; Benefits program for the contracting aged population; Elixir for contraction in elderly populace in Nigeria


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How to Cite

Odebola, T. J. (2021). Welfare for the Aged in Nigeria, a Sustenance for the Declining Older Population and Aged Male in Nigeria. Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research, 4(1), 16–24. https://doi.org/10.30564/jmser.v4i1.2769


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