An Advanced Simple Method for Generating Synthetic Average Instant Hourly Solar Energy
The main objective of this study is to generate accurate synthetic hourly solar radiation data by using an easily accessible open source data. In this regard, a new approach is proposed for estimation of synthetic hourly global solar radiation during the day by utilizing only annual solar energy data. First time in literature, a model has been developed for prediction hourly and daily solar radiation based on annual solar energy parameter in this study. Parameters of the model were generated and tested for Turkey and one of them was presented as a case study within this paper. Long term measured hourly horizontal solar irradiance data from a network of Turkish meteorological stations was used to calibrate the model function. The predictions are compared with the solar data available in literature for Turkey. The advanced simple new model is utilized in open source computer program and has the potential to be adapted to other countries.
Advanced simple method; Solar radiation; Synthetic instant global solar radiation; Synthetic global solar radiation distribution; Annual Solar EnergyReferences
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