Evaluating the Impact of Workshop Management on the Progress of Road Construction Projects (Case Study: Road Construction Projects of Tehran Province)
Construction projects, including road construction, are very important. Therefore, a lot of money is spent on these projects every year. So, the lack of proper planning will increase the cost and cause irreparable damage to the country. The role of workshop management is one of the most important factors in increasing the cost of these types of projects. Generally, workshop management plays a very important role in improving the quality and quantity of projects and has an important place in the project implementation process. Therefore, this study evaluated the impact of workshop management on the progress of road construction projects on a case-by-case basis in road construction projects in Tehran province. According to the purpose of the research, this study was a descriptive-survey type. In addition, the tool used in this research was a questionnaire. The statistical population of this research included all experts and specialists in road construction projects, among whom 65 people were selected by snowball method. Then the collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results of this study showed that the management of the workshop and its role in the control and implementation of projects is a complex process, which can be implemented at high levels and effectively by combining scientific and experimental training. And a very important point in the discussion of workshop management is applying scientific management to the use of valuable experiences from others. Because management knowledge not only does not negate the use of these experiences, but also emphasizes the necessity of using them. In other words, improving the knowledge of workshop management is one of the requirements for the implementation of value engineering in construction projects, especially road construction, and it is very important.
Construction projects; Workshop management; Snowball; Road constructionReferences
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