Greening the Supply Chain: Drivers and Outcomes in the Korean Manufacturing Industry


  • Joohan Ryoo

    Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-Ro, Seongdong-Gu, Seoul, 04763, South Korea



This research investigates the determinants of green supply chain management (GSCM) adoption and its impact on organizational performance, while considering the potential moderating factors influencing GSCM adoption. Despite the growing prevalence of GSCM practices among Korean firms, the factors driving their adoption have not received sufficient attention. To bridge this gap, the study uses structural equation modeling, integrating stakeholder theory and resource-based theory to explore how green entrepreneurial orientation (GEO), institutional pressure, and relational capital affect GSCM adoption. Additionally, the study explores the effects of GSCM implementation on competitiveness and economic performance. Drawing data from a sample of 213 Korean manufacturing firms, the PLS-SEM analysis highlights the significant influence of GEO, institutional pressure, and relational capital on GSCM adoption. Additionally, the study emphasizes the positive impact of GSCM implementation on firm competitiveness. These findings provide valuable insights for enhancing sustainability in supply chain management and are applicable to similar context countries such as Taiwan, China, Japan, and the Netherlands.


Green supply chain management; Green entrepreneurial orientation; Institutional pressure; Relational capital; Competitiveness; Economic perform


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How to Cite

Ryoo, J. (2023). Greening the Supply Chain: Drivers and Outcomes in the Korean Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research, 6(2), 82–100.


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