Investigation of Wooden Beam Behaviors Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Wood material can be demolished over time due to different environmental factors. Structural elements may need to be strengthened over time as a result of possible natural disasters or during use. Beams are elements under load in the direction perpendicular to their axes. Therefore, they are basically under the effect of bending. When the studies on the behavior of beams against bending test are examined, it is known that the bottom surface of the material generally breaks. For this reason, fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) materials have been used in recent years to reinforce beam members. It is a scientific fact that it is necessary to prefer FRPs for the solution of this problem, as well as their properties such as lightness, corrosion and flexibility, their application without disrupting the appearance of wood. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of reinforcing wooden beams with fiber reinforced polymer materials with different properties on different bending behaviors such as load bearing capacity, ductility, modulus of elasticity. It was observed that the ductility and bearing capacity of wooden beams reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer materials increased significantly compared to non-reinforced beams.
Wood materials; Beam; FRP; Reinforced; CompositeReferences
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