Optimum Tuning for the High-efficiency Removal of Malodorous Gas Containing Hydrogen Sulphide Using Biological Treatment
Hydrogen sulfide, as the main pollutant causing stench, has always been one of the main problems in environmental protection. In order to promote the practical application, a pilot study was carried out in this work on the biological treatment of hydrogen sulfide malodorous gas by the combined process of biological drip filtration on the basis of our previous laboratory-scale experiments. After enlarging the reactor in pilot experiment, various factors affecting the deodorization efficiency are compared in pilot scale and laboratory scale, and the optimum pilot condition are obtained. Furthermore, the mechanism of biological deodorization is analyzed. Based on the results of the comparison between the previous laboratory-scale and the pilot-scale of this work, possible bottlenecks and challenges of biological deodorization technology from pilot to industrial application are discussed. The technical approach proposed in this work provides an economical and efficient feasible scheme for biological deodorization in the industrial practice.
Biological deodorization; Optimum control; Hydrogen sulfide; Malodorous gas; PaddingReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Rabia Sultana, Shizhong Yan, Lu Bai, Xingyu Jiang, Xue Yuan, Xin Zhang, Yinghui Han

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