A Workflow to Predict the Present-day in-situ Stress Field in Tectonically Stable Regions
Knowledge of the present-day in-situ stress distribution is greatly important for better understanding of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in many aspects, e.g., reservoir management, wellbore stability assessment, etc. In tectonically stable regions, the present-day in-situ stress field in terms of stress distribution is largely controlled by lithological changes, which can be predicted through a numerical simulation method incorporating specific mechanical properties of the subsurface reservoir. In this study, a workflow was presented to predict the present-day in-situ stress field based on the finite element method (FEM). Sequentially, it consists of: i) building a three-dimensional (3D) geometric framework, ii) creating a 3D petrophysical parameter field, iii) integrating the geometric framework with petrophysical parameters, iv) setting up a 3D heterogeneous geomechanical model, and finally, v) calculating the present-day in-situ stress distribution and calibrating the prediction with measured stress data, e.g., results from the extended leak-off tests (XLOTs). The approach was successfully applied to the Block W in Ordos Basin of central China. The results indicated that the workflow and models presented in this study could be used as an effective tool to provide insights into stress perturbations in subsurface reservoirs and geological references for subsequent analysis.
Present-day in-situ stress field; Tectonically stable region; Ordos Basin; Workflow; Geomechanical modelingReferences
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